A PRIEST has set up a voluntary group to patrol his church car park in a bid to stop thieves who are striking during services.

Father David Coxon, from St Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Hartlepool, hopes to prevent thieves from entering church grounds by using members of the congregation to keep watch. It follows a number of car break-ins during Sunday mass.

Fr Coxon believes a physical presence in the car park will deter thieves and is asking members of the congregation to form a voluntary rota to monitor the car park.

He said: "One particular couple have suffered two weeks in a row and it is time to do something.

"I feel having a physical presence in the car park will act as a deterrent.

"I took the lead last Sunday and patrolled the car park in the heavy rain. It was Father David Phillips' turn to take mass, and while he did so, I sat in my car and watched the car park.

"However, if it came down to doing a rugby tackle I am not sure if I could do that, but watching the cars is fine.