Our world. Something many of us take for granted. Many people do not understand the importance of the environment and the ecosystems that thrive among us. The natural environment helps clean our air, purify our water, produce foods and medicines, reduce chemical and noise pollution, slow floodwaters and cool our streets. Our world does matter, and we need to protect it.

The UK average carbon footprint for this year is about 10 tonnes of CO2 per person which is double the world average. This carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas, is released into the atmosphere and adds to the Earth's natural greenhouse effect and therefore traps heat and warms up the Earth. This is important as without this effect Earth may be too cold to support human life however the amount that is being released is unnatural which is causing global warming and climate change. It is vital that we now try our best to reverse our actions as already in the last 200 years human activities have raised the atmospheres carbon dioxide levels by 50%. Trees act as carbon sinks which store the carbon dioxide however due to increasing demand from humans', deforestation increases which releases a further amount of carbon dioxide. Many people place profit in front of the safety of future generations who will have to live in this crumbling world we are recklessly creating.

Due to our climate changing, it is putting many innocent animal lives at risk and threatening their future on Earth. As a result of the rapid change to our planet created by humanity, the animals we live alongside do not have the opportunity to adapt. Adaptation takes place over thousands of years but due to the escalation of damage done to our environment the animals are not being given enough time which is placing too many species in danger. For example, due to global warming our polar ice caps are melting which is robbing polar bears of their homes and their ability to hunt for the food that they desperately need. Additionally, oil exploration in the Arctic causes leaks and spills which pollutes the sea which polar bears rely on for food. Also, oil damages the insulation effect of their fur which means more energy is needed so more calories are burned but the food has disappeared to replenish their much-needed energy.

There are now more than 1 million species threatened with extinction and if we continue the way we are that number will forever increase and the diversity of our environment will decrease which will leave humanity looking back and wishing that we took action when there was still chance. Luckily, there are organisations which are endeavouring to reverse our fatal effects. For example, Chester Zoo which consists of 128 acres which contain over 20,000 animals, is amongst the world’s leading conservation-based charities. It empowers communities to pursue pro-conservation behaviours and are committed to the recovery of threatened species as there has never been a more urgent time for the restoration of nature.

This is our chance to change our future. Take the opportunity and do what you can to save our beloved world and all the species which co-exist with us. Their lives matter too.